- Iveta Mitchell was born on 17 June 1972.
In 2010, Iveta Mitchell (Iveta) was 37 years old and resided in Parmelia with her family.
Iveta was last seen alive at her home in Parmelia, at approximately 1.00am on Monday, 03 May 2010. It is reported that Iveta walked off from her home, leaving her vehicle at the address.
When Iveta failed to return home, she was reported missing on Tuesday, 4 May 2010, however despite extensive inquiries, Iveta has not been located.
The circumstances surrounding Iveta’s disappearance are suspicious, and the matter is being investigated as a suspected homicide.
If you have any information about the disappearance of Iveta Mitchell, please contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or make an online report below. Please remember that you can remain anonymous if you wish and rewards are offered.