- Maybell Yamalulu was born on 01 May 1966.
In 1983, Maybell Yamalulu (Maybell) was 16 years old and resided in Fitzroy Crossing, with her family.
Maybell was last seen alive near the Crossing Inn Hotel, Fitzroy Crossing at approximately 7.00 pm on Friday, 14 January 1983.
On Friday, 21 January 1983, Maybell was reported missing.
On 6 February 1983, Maybell’s body was discovered at a dam site off the Great Northern Highway, 13km west of Fitzroy Crossing. Maybell had significant injuries.
The person or persons responsible for the murder of Maybell have never been identified.
If you have any information about the death of Maybell Yamalulu, please contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or make an online report below. Please remember that you can remain anonymous if you wish and rewards are offered.