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Make a report

Attention If you are a victim of crime, such as burglary or car theft, please phone 131 444. Report stolen or damaged property online to WA Police.

Safer browsing

Exit button

When you provide information to Crime Stoppers, you have the protection of anonymity whether you send in a report online or phone us.

Visitors to our website now have a safer browsing experience with our easily accessible Exit button. This allows you to quickly leave the website if you don’t want someone to see that you’re looking at Crime Stoppers information.

This button is helpful only if you need to quickly switch to another website. It won’t prevent the other person from going through your browser history or from knowing you were on that website if they are monitoring your device or internet activity remotely.

Clearing your browsing history

As you browse the Internet, most web page data is cached locally on your computer to help pages load faster and reduce the amount of data you need to transfer over your Internet connection.

To help keep your browsing history private, and to free up disk space on your computer, you can clear your internet browsing history.

More tips on how to browse safely and minimize the chances of someone tracking your browsing history.

Acknowledgement of Country

We acknowledge the traditional custodians throughout Western Australia and their continuing connection to the land, waters and community. We pay our respects to all members of the Aboriginal communities and their cultures; and to Elders both past and present.

Working Together by DuShong

The artwork titled ‘Working Together’ represents the Aboriginal tribes of Western Australia working together in harmony to rejuvenate the land by controlled fires.

In this artwork it also represents our community today working together to keep our neighbourhood safe from crime.

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