At around 9.20am on Tuesday 28 February 2023, a woman entered a retail store on Lakeside Drive in Joondalup pushing a trolley containing a number of bags. The woman walked through the Ladies Department selecting numerous clothing items off the racks and then concealing them under her bags in the trolley before leaving the store without paying for any of the items.
Police have released CCTV images of a woman who they believe may be able to assist with their investigation.
The woman is described as: light skinned, medium build, between 30 to 40 years of age with straight brunette hair tied back into a bun. She was wearing a black dress with thongs.
If you have any information about the identity of this woman or details of this offence please contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or report online at You can remain anonymous if you wish and rewards are available once charges are laid. Please quote Reference Number 10971.